Runderwear Festival of Running

To help keep spirits high and training on track, we hosted the Runderwear Festival of Running over the Easter weekend between 2nd and 4th April 2021, with 5k, 10k and Half Marathon race distances!
This was more than just a race. It’s about supporting one another between now and the race weekend.  Everyone at Team Runderwear has lots of ideas to help you stay motivated.
Every entrant received a FREE 8 week training plan created by Tom Craggs, Road Running Manager at England Athletics! Choose from Beginner, Improver and Experienced plans for all distances.
Community Group Partner
Runderwear believe, now more than ever, it is important to connect with and help other people. So, we are incredibly excited to be supporting community group Mental Health Mates this year. Mental Health Mates was set up by Bryony Gordon and provides peer support for people experiencing mental health challenges. We will be donating 10% of every entry to the work that they do.
Find out more about Mental Health Mates

Runderwear Festival of Running on ResultsBase

The 5k Run & Training Plan

The Runderwear virtual 5k is part of the Runderwear Festival of Running taking place over the Easter weekend.

How do I enter?
Choose which race distance you'd like to do and enter the event on Results Base.
FREE 5k Training Plans
Please find below your FREE 8 week 5k training programme, created by England Athletics Road Running Manager, Tom Craggs.  Choose between the Beginner, Improver and Experienced 5k plan.
Beginner 5k Training Plan
This plan is aimed at runners who are new to structured training and who may not have tried to run a fast 5km before but who can run 20-30+ minutes continuously.
Improver 5k Training Plan
This plan is aimed at regular runners who are confident running 50-60+ minutes continuously as well as including interval sessions in their training. You will have completed 5km races or parkruns before and will be looking to improve you performance over the eight weeks of the plan. The plan includes faster, interval based sessions so some experience of this type of training can be helpful.
Experienced 5k Training Plan
This plan is aimed at experienced runners who run most days and who are confident running 60-70 minutes + continuously as well as including interval sessions in their training. You will have completed 5km races or parkruns before and will be looking to improve you performance over the eight weeks of the plan. The plan includes plenty of faster running so you should be experienced at mixing up paces in your training.
The 10k Run & Training Plan
The Runderwear virtual 10k is part of the Runderwear Festival of Running taking place over the Easter weekend.
How do I enter?
Choose which race distance you'd like to do and enter the event on Results Base.
FREE 10k Training Plans
Please find below your FREE 8 week 10k training programme, created by England Athletics Road Running Manager, Tom Craggs.  Choose between the Beginner, Improver and Experienced 10k plan.
Beginner 10k Training Plan
This plan is aimed at runners new to the 10km distance or runners who haven’t tackled 10km in a while. You should be able to run/jog for 20-30 minutes continuously before starting the plan.
Improver 10k Training Plan
This plan is aimed at people who run regularly and feel confident to run continuously for up to 45-60 minutes or more at an easy pace. You will likely have completed a 10km before and are looking to get faster or feel better for the next one.
Experienced 10k Training Plan
This plan is aimed at experienced runners who run most days and who are confident running 70-80 minutes + continuously as well as including interval sessions in their training. You will have completed 10km races before and will be looking to improve you performance over the eight weeks of the plan.
The Half Marathon Run & Training Plan
The Runderwear virtual half marathon is part of the Runderwear Festival of Running taking place over the Easter weekend.
How do I enter?
Choose which race distance you'd like to do and enter the event on Results Base.
FREE Half Marathon Training Plans
Please find below your FREE 8 week half marathon training programme, created by England Athletics Road Running Manager, Tom Craggs.  Choose between the Beginner, Improver and Experienced half marathon plan.
Beginner Half Marathon Training Plan
This plan is aimed at runners who are new to the half marathon distance. You might be stepping up from a 5km or even a 10km and you should feel happy running 30-40 minutes continuously at an easy pace, and longer with the aid of short recovery breaks.
Improver Half Marathon Training Plan
This plan is aimed at runners who have some experience with longer races. You might have run a half before and are looking to improve, or perhaps you experienced at running 10ks and are looking to step up. You should feel able to tackle a continuous, easy paced run of around 70 minutes and have some experience of structure interval type training.
Experienced Half Marathon Training Plan
This plan is aimed at experienced half marathon runners who already feel confident to run 80-90+ minutes in a long run and who have experience of both interval training and of regular racing. The plan is testing and assumes you already have good base of training in place over the previous 6-10 weeks.
Festival of Running


What is the Runderwear Festival of Running?

We have created the Runderwear Festival of Running, which will take place over the Easter weekend between 2nd and 4th April 2021. 

There is a choice of distance - 5k, 10k and Half Marathon.

How do I enter the Festival of Running?

You can enter any of the three runs, 5k, 10k or half marathon on the Results Base Festival of Running event page.

I don't live in the UK, can I still enter?

Yes!  The Runderwear Festival of Running is open to anyone, worldwide.

What do I receive?

As well as the free 8 week training programme, Team Runderwear ‘Race Leaders’ will be training for the event with you, sharing their journey and encourage yours! There will be plenty of expert help and advice along the way to help you stay on track.

Once you have completed the race and and uploaded your proof to the results base system you will receive: 

  • Runderwear ‘Festival of Running’ wooden medal made from sustainable European-sourced FSC ply
  • A Runderwear designed ‘Festival of Running’ certificate

Do I have to run on a specific day?

You  need to complete your chosen distance between 00:01am on Friday 2nd April 2021 and 23:59pm on Sunday 4th April - NOTE these times are GMT!

Are there any limitations as to which route I take?

The Runderwear Festival of Running is a fun event to try and help us stay motivated.  Please enter into the spirit of it by choosing a route that seems 'fair' regarding elevation and wind direction.  Please also run the race in the great outdoors rather than on a treadmill.  We are not banning treadmills, given the current COVID restrictions, but we do suggest that, in the interest of fairness, you should run the race in the great outdoors where possible.

How do I upload by virtual race results?

Our event partner Results Base have a step-by-step guide to entering an event and uploading your result.