Marathon season is almost upon us and with it comes thoughts of marathon training plans, nutrition and what to do on the big day itself. Our anti-blister socks and chafe free Runderwear will ensure there are no uncomfortable surprises along the way!


Come and visit us at stand 266 at the London Marathon expo! 

But never fear, Runderwear is here! Join our #MarathonReady Facebook Live sessions over the next few months to find out all you need to know...



Session 1 - Training

Date: 26th Feb 2018 
Time: 1pm 
Join the Runderwear team as we discuss all things training. With over 30 marathons between us and several ultras to boot, we've scoured our fair share of marathon plans. We'll be discussing our favourites, how to approach training and what to do with any hiccups along the way! 

Session 2 - Nutrition

Date: 12th March 2018
Time: 1pm
For this one we have joining us Team GB Ultrarunner and owner of the endurance nutrition specialists XMiles, Anthony Clark. There's not much Ant doesn't know about how to fuel your training and your race, so ask away in the comments on the day.


Session 3 - Pacing

Date: 26th March 2018
Time: 1pm
Ah pacing... go out fast and hold on? Run a progressive race? Negative splits. Here we will discuss pacing and how to get it right in training and on race day.


Session 4 - Race Day

Date: 9th April 2018
Time: 1pm
What to do at the expo (other than coming to say hi to us), tips for packing your kit bag and how to make the most of your 26.2 miles.